about me

hi! i'm michelle! pharmD-to-be with a love for photography.

i picked up my dad's blue digital camera when i was 13, shot my first picture of a sunset, and haven't looked back.

my journey through 35mm film, food photos, medical photography, photoshoots in parks with my high school girlfriends, conceptual portraiture, and everything else under the sun have brought me here- absolutely in love with capturing the most important moments in people's lives.

my passion for happier and healthier lives led me down the path of healthcare. doing photography jobs kept me sane throughout pharmacy school, & school/clinical rotations reminded me of who & what i'm capturing- real human life.

i'm a firm believer that the best photographs are the ones authentic to the human experience.

i'd love to help you celebrate & immortalize all the important moments in your life, exactly the way you want to remember them. let's chat and create magic together.